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Also, I found this in the pocket of my apron at work. I'm... not the best at limbs. |
There There, Kid
Essays on the Life of a Middle-Class Nerd.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
And furthermore...
Concerning Wall Street: You can have your wealth. I don't really care. It's all just numbers anyway, right?
But it's a hard blow to suddenly realize that I'm not gonna be able to follow my dreams like everybody always said I could. Instead, I'm gonna make a dollar over minimum wage and pay most of that to some organization I couldn't tell you the name of for the better part of a decade. I can't protest it because I can't get the time off of work, and I need the work so I can pay you, my school, my landlord and my utilities company (and pay for food, but that's a distant priority for some reason.)
It's a hard blow to realize that I can't be anything I want to be, because of the system we have in place. And it makes me mad that there are people who can be anything they want to be, but they're all in congress or they're CEOs of a company, and for the most part they act like children (Holy shit does that make me mad. To those in power: Grow. The fuck. Up.) And the part that makes me more angry than anything else, is that I've got a pretty good deal going. There are so many people out there who have it worse than I do, and I have it pretty bad (It was a wake-up call for me when I realized that, as well-off as I thought I was, I still qualify for free food at the food bank.)
It's a hard blow to find out that freedom is for the rich, I guess.
Maybe I'm overstating it. I always do. But it's a hard blow to find out that I can't be free.
But it's a hard blow to suddenly realize that I'm not gonna be able to follow my dreams like everybody always said I could. Instead, I'm gonna make a dollar over minimum wage and pay most of that to some organization I couldn't tell you the name of for the better part of a decade. I can't protest it because I can't get the time off of work, and I need the work so I can pay you, my school, my landlord and my utilities company (and pay for food, but that's a distant priority for some reason.)
It's a hard blow to realize that I can't be anything I want to be, because of the system we have in place. And it makes me mad that there are people who can be anything they want to be, but they're all in congress or they're CEOs of a company, and for the most part they act like children (Holy shit does that make me mad. To those in power: Grow. The fuck. Up.) And the part that makes me more angry than anything else, is that I've got a pretty good deal going. There are so many people out there who have it worse than I do, and I have it pretty bad (It was a wake-up call for me when I realized that, as well-off as I thought I was, I still qualify for free food at the food bank.)
It's a hard blow to find out that freedom is for the rich, I guess.
Maybe I'm overstating it. I always do. But it's a hard blow to find out that I can't be free.
I feel like I should say...
I feel like I should say
this: I don't like the protest culture. I really, really don't. I grew
up in Boulder, and for as many signs as I saw held up on the side of the
road that said something worthwhile, there were twice the number
supporting something inane and unimportant that only someone with
trust-fund money would care about. In a climate like that, it's hard to
support something like a protest. There are so many associations between
protesters and the ignorant, dogmatic and idly wealthy that--even if
you do have a legitimate point--it's hard to take a protest seriously.
But that's the problem. If there's one thing we should take seriously, it's our right to protest. I don't care if you think that the people who do it are worthless (I mean, some of them might be. We can't all be perfect, right?) But if you care about an issue, say something. Don't dismiss your right to speak because you don't like some of the people who use it.
Your message is your responsibility. If you don't like the image of the protester, it's your responsibility to change it. If someone you hate has something to say, that doesn't mean you should hate speaking. If you have something to say, say it.
Don't leave the talking to the people you disagree with. They'll just win the argument.
But that's the problem. If there's one thing we should take seriously, it's our right to protest. I don't care if you think that the people who do it are worthless (I mean, some of them might be. We can't all be perfect, right?) But if you care about an issue, say something. Don't dismiss your right to speak because you don't like some of the people who use it.
Your message is your responsibility. If you don't like the image of the protester, it's your responsibility to change it. If someone you hate has something to say, that doesn't mean you should hate speaking. If you have something to say, say it.
Don't leave the talking to the people you disagree with. They'll just win the argument.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Visual Lists for This Day
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Seriously, I'm sick of this goddamn rain. I know, I know-- "This might be the first year without drought conditions!" and "It's really helping with the forest fires!" and "BLAH BLAH BLAH WEH WEH."
So, instead of being productive, I'm indulging in my middle-class privilege by remarking on all of the pretty pretty music I have.
We'll see!
(Wow. I listen to most of by B's. Golly.)
Black Tambourine Black Tambourine
First Song: Throw Aggie Off the Bridge - I'm not gonna lie, I chose this song mostly for the title. Goddamn Aggie, man! Always talkin' trash. Always.
But really, I kinda like this song. It's got sort of a Pixies-ish charm with a Ramones-ish lack of talent. Also lady singers, which is pretty rad.
Second Song : Drown - I'm... picking up on an unsettling theme here. A theme that could be considered creepy if this music weren't so gesh-dern CUTE! Seriously, it's like a fuzzy fifties swingin' tune, except Earth Angel is now floating face-down in a reservoir.
Overall Ruling: I'm actually really liking this music. For all that it seems to be exclusively about people dying in water.
Off to an auspicious start! Next up?
Blonde Redhead 23
First Song: Dr. Strangeluv - Huh. This is... Good. Like, I'm usually against cutsey mis-spellings of cinematic landmarks (on general principle) but there's something I like about how this singer doesn't really sound like a good singer but still manages to sound unique without hurting my ear-holes. Also? Cowbell. Good cowbell.
Second Song : The Dress - I like this song a little less. I dunno. It sounds like The Knife, but less complex. And the guitar is kinda cheesy. Like, bad horror movie cheesy. Asylum-level sci-fi original movie cheesy. Maybe not that cheesy. I'm over-reacting. But still pretty cheesy. And the lyrics are a little boring (Maybe I'm used to lyrics about people drowning? IT'S THE RAIN'S FAULT.)
Overall Ruling: I really liked the first song, but then the second song let me down. I'm split. Is the rest of the album ho-hum humdrum like The Dress? Or awesome possum kick in the patoot like Dr. Strangeluv? Only further investigation will say!
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever ago
I know, I know. Bon Iver is actually a famous musician, and he's good, and I should have listened to him about 30 goddamn years ago. I'd like to say that I've given him a fair shake. My confession? Every time he comes up on my ipod's shufflings, I skip him. I'm a busy man!
First Song: Skinny Love - Whoops. I think this is his famous song. I just picked it because I'm a thin person, and I'm a fan of love. So far, though, I'm about halfway. Like, it's a good song, but it's a different flavor of Iron & Wine. There's something alluring about his voice, though. It's tough to judge because I'm thinking of all the movie trailers that this song has been in. Hm.
Second Song : The Wolves (Act I&II) - Why? Why are there multiple acts? It is a song that only lasts five minutes, and--
Oh. Oh crap. I'm getting that fuzzy folk feeling right down behind my ribs. Damnit, Bon Iver. You know I'm a sucker for fuzzy folky crescendos. Did you plan this? Did you plan this?!
Overall Ruling: Okay. I guess Bon Iver has earned his (their?) reputation. I guess I like this music. I guess I'll keep it. I guess.
Broken Social Scene You Forgot it in People
This is another one of those bands that could be considered "really good, and I don't know why you're just now listening to them. I mean, really, Keller? C'mon." But the truth of the matter is, the only song that I've ever really listened to on this album is Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl. And then, only because it's on the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack. And I totally liked it! But I haven't really connected that song with the band that created it, in my mind. SO HERE WE GO!
First Song: Stars and Sons - Mm. My first impression is... less than shining. But it's growing on me. It's got the same post-rock follies that Battles suffered from where the same thing happens over and over again, but I actually like what they're doing in this one. Also, claps. I am a sucker for claps. Really, it's like that joke that you've heard a million times and it only becomes funny after the first five hundred thousand repetitions.
I'm bobbing my head! This is a good sign.
Second Song: Almost Crimes (Radio Kills Remix) - I always hate songs that reference things that I don't understand. What is Radio Kills? Why remix it? Was the original not good enough for you?! The song seems good, though. BSS seems like they usually start their songs off a little underwhelming, and then they move in for the ultra-rock super-kill. This song is pretty standard until the saxophone comes in.
Overall Ruling: Pretty good, I guess. The second song isn't really what I'm looking for right now-- kind of a mix between Built to Spill and The Offspring, but I think these guys deserve more chances.
Man. I want to delete some stuff! WHAT THE EFF. WHERE IS ALL THE TERRIBLE MUSIC.
Maybe the letter C will help!
The Caesars 39 Minutes of Bliss
First Song: Out of my Hands - I know that Jerk it Out is their famous song, so I'm starting with the one after that.
And. Eh. It's okay. Kinda... Eh. But I said I'd listen to at least two songs all the way through, so I've got to slug this one out.
Durp durp. Two minutes left.
Now a minute and a half.
... Closing in on a minute. Yup. Now we're at a minute.
I wonder if the total running time for this album is 39 minutes? Or if, like, they figured the running time into their bad songs too, so it's really like 47 minutes long.
Second Song: Only You - This sounds like the last song. Except it's more insulting ("You got ears like dumbo, baby!" is the first line.)
Overall Ruling: This sucks. Yessss.
Candy Claws In the Dream of the Sea Life
This band is actually from the town I live in. I've never met them, nor have I ever heard their music. I have, however, seen one of their short films. And it was weird.
First Song: Starry Fighter Kite - Gloopbloop deepdeepdeepcheep chimchimchimchimchimchim. This is what I get out of this song. And then that, but fuzzier and distorted. For all that, though, I kindof like it. It manages to actually have a structure finally, after about 2:50 in. It's like a quieter Animal Collective. Hm.
Second Song: Catamaran - I think this is their single, actually. It doesn't really have a lead-in, because they keep faking us out with more electronic squawking. It's cute, I guess.
Update: it wasn't the band that had the bad electronic squawking, it was the video that I was trying to load on my infirm computer. So hey! They've got points for that, I guess?
Overall Ruling: I think I'm going to keep it, but only for the hipster cred. Like, "Oh hey Keller, have you heard of this obscure Northern Colorado band?" "Yeah. I've listened to two whole songs." ":-O"
Okay. I gotta eat some food. But first!
Bonus Track!
Cardigans Iron Man
TThis is probably one of the coolest covers of any song ever. Like, instead of Ozzy Osbourne, we've got a twenty-something lady crooning over an electronic drum beat and synth about how Iron Man traveled time for the future of mankind.
So, instead of being productive, I'm indulging in my middle-class privilege by remarking on all of the pretty pretty music I have.
We'll see!
(Wow. I listen to most of by B's. Golly.)
Black Tambourine Black Tambourine
First Song: Throw Aggie Off the Bridge - I'm not gonna lie, I chose this song mostly for the title. Goddamn Aggie, man! Always talkin' trash. Always.
But really, I kinda like this song. It's got sort of a Pixies-ish charm with a Ramones-ish lack of talent. Also lady singers, which is pretty rad.
Second Song : Drown - I'm... picking up on an unsettling theme here. A theme that could be considered creepy if this music weren't so gesh-dern CUTE! Seriously, it's like a fuzzy fifties swingin' tune, except Earth Angel is now floating face-down in a reservoir.
Overall Ruling: I'm actually really liking this music. For all that it seems to be exclusively about people dying in water.
Off to an auspicious start! Next up?
Blonde Redhead 23
First Song: Dr. Strangeluv - Huh. This is... Good. Like, I'm usually against cutsey mis-spellings of cinematic landmarks (on general principle) but there's something I like about how this singer doesn't really sound like a good singer but still manages to sound unique without hurting my ear-holes. Also? Cowbell. Good cowbell.
Second Song : The Dress - I like this song a little less. I dunno. It sounds like The Knife, but less complex. And the guitar is kinda cheesy. Like, bad horror movie cheesy. Asylum-level sci-fi original movie cheesy. Maybe not that cheesy. I'm over-reacting. But still pretty cheesy. And the lyrics are a little boring (Maybe I'm used to lyrics about people drowning? IT'S THE RAIN'S FAULT.)
Overall Ruling: I really liked the first song, but then the second song let me down. I'm split. Is the rest of the album ho-hum humdrum like The Dress? Or awesome possum kick in the patoot like Dr. Strangeluv? Only further investigation will say!
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever ago
I know, I know. Bon Iver is actually a famous musician, and he's good, and I should have listened to him about 30 goddamn years ago. I'd like to say that I've given him a fair shake. My confession? Every time he comes up on my ipod's shufflings, I skip him. I'm a busy man!
First Song: Skinny Love - Whoops. I think this is his famous song. I just picked it because I'm a thin person, and I'm a fan of love. So far, though, I'm about halfway. Like, it's a good song, but it's a different flavor of Iron & Wine. There's something alluring about his voice, though. It's tough to judge because I'm thinking of all the movie trailers that this song has been in. Hm.
Second Song : The Wolves (Act I&II) - Why? Why are there multiple acts? It is a song that only lasts five minutes, and--
Oh. Oh crap. I'm getting that fuzzy folk feeling right down behind my ribs. Damnit, Bon Iver. You know I'm a sucker for fuzzy folky crescendos. Did you plan this? Did you plan this?!
Overall Ruling: Okay. I guess Bon Iver has earned his (their?) reputation. I guess I like this music. I guess I'll keep it. I guess.
Broken Social Scene You Forgot it in People
This is another one of those bands that could be considered "really good, and I don't know why you're just now listening to them. I mean, really, Keller? C'mon." But the truth of the matter is, the only song that I've ever really listened to on this album is Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl. And then, only because it's on the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack. And I totally liked it! But I haven't really connected that song with the band that created it, in my mind. SO HERE WE GO!
First Song: Stars and Sons - Mm. My first impression is... less than shining. But it's growing on me. It's got the same post-rock follies that Battles suffered from where the same thing happens over and over again, but I actually like what they're doing in this one. Also, claps. I am a sucker for claps. Really, it's like that joke that you've heard a million times and it only becomes funny after the first five hundred thousand repetitions.
I'm bobbing my head! This is a good sign.
Second Song: Almost Crimes (Radio Kills Remix) - I always hate songs that reference things that I don't understand. What is Radio Kills? Why remix it? Was the original not good enough for you?! The song seems good, though. BSS seems like they usually start their songs off a little underwhelming, and then they move in for the ultra-rock super-kill. This song is pretty standard until the saxophone comes in.
Overall Ruling: Pretty good, I guess. The second song isn't really what I'm looking for right now-- kind of a mix between Built to Spill and The Offspring, but I think these guys deserve more chances.
Man. I want to delete some stuff! WHAT THE EFF. WHERE IS ALL THE TERRIBLE MUSIC.
Maybe the letter C will help!
The Caesars 39 Minutes of Bliss
First Song: Out of my Hands - I know that Jerk it Out is their famous song, so I'm starting with the one after that.
And. Eh. It's okay. Kinda... Eh. But I said I'd listen to at least two songs all the way through, so I've got to slug this one out.
Durp durp. Two minutes left.
Now a minute and a half.
... Closing in on a minute. Yup. Now we're at a minute.
I wonder if the total running time for this album is 39 minutes? Or if, like, they figured the running time into their bad songs too, so it's really like 47 minutes long.
Second Song: Only You - This sounds like the last song. Except it's more insulting ("You got ears like dumbo, baby!" is the first line.)
Overall Ruling: This sucks. Yessss.
Candy Claws In the Dream of the Sea Life
This band is actually from the town I live in. I've never met them, nor have I ever heard their music. I have, however, seen one of their short films. And it was weird.
First Song: Starry Fighter Kite - Gloopbloop deepdeepdeepcheep chimchimchimchimchimchim. This is what I get out of this song. And then that, but fuzzier and distorted. For all that, though, I kindof like it. It manages to actually have a structure finally, after about 2:50 in. It's like a quieter Animal Collective. Hm.
Second Song: Catamaran - I think this is their single, actually. It doesn't really have a lead-in, because they keep faking us out with more electronic squawking. It's cute, I guess.
Update: it wasn't the band that had the bad electronic squawking, it was the video that I was trying to load on my infirm computer. So hey! They've got points for that, I guess?
Overall Ruling: I think I'm going to keep it, but only for the hipster cred. Like, "Oh hey Keller, have you heard of this obscure Northern Colorado band?" "Yeah. I've listened to two whole songs." ":-O"
Okay. I gotta eat some food. But first!
Bonus Track!
Cardigans Iron Man
TThis is probably one of the coolest covers of any song ever. Like, instead of Ozzy Osbourne, we've got a twenty-something lady crooning over an electronic drum beat and synth about how Iron Man traveled time for the future of mankind.
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